Investing In Oil And Gas Royalties


How Do You Get Into The Oil And Gas Royalty Market

Investing in Oil and Gas Royalties

Well, oil and gas royalty interest may be bought and sold like any other investment but they are intended for accredited investors. The Securities and Exchange Commissions definition of an accredited investor includes individuals with a net worth of 1M or more or annual income of $200,000 or more or trusts or partnerships with assets of $5M or more.

Invest In Us Oil & Gas Assets

  • Direct Asset Ownership: You own interest in oil and natural gas wells, not energy company stock that is at the mercy of an unpredictable market.
  • Generous Tax Benefits: Minimize your tax liability with a write-off of up to 85% of your investment.
  • Oil and Gas Revenues: Now is the time to buy oil and gas assets, while a lower cost of entry and lower drilling and operational costs position you well for a potential return.
  • We focus on Proved Undeveloped drilling locations in proven producing fields with zero wildcatting.
  • Our projects feature extensive third-party geophysical/economic due diligence.
  • Our experienced management facilitates all phases of upstream operations.
  • We deliver direct deeded Working Interest ownership.
  • Partner K1s are dispersed annually directly from Eagle.
  • We offer straight-forward, easy-to-understand participation with zero hidden fees.

Active Vs Passive Income

The tax code specifies that a working interest in an oil and gas well is not considered to be a passive activity. This means that all net losses are active income incurred in conjunction with well-head production and can be offset against other forms of income such as wages, interest and capital gains.

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What Is An Oil Or Gas Royalty Interest

The definition of an Oil & Gas Royalty interest, as stated by is, Royalty interest is an oil and natural gas lease that gives the owner of the interest the right to receive a portion of the production from the leased acreage , but generally does not require the owner to pay any portion of the costs of drilling or operating the wells on the leased acreage.

Whether the royalty owners interest in the oil and gas lease is purely due to an investment scenario or due to being in the oil and gas drilling industry, it is essential to consider the source of the property or the lease holders interest before deciding to invest.

Why An Oil & Gas Royalty Qualifies For A 1031 Exchange #1

Rising oil price stock illustration. Illustration of petrol

People have been investing in real estate for decades now. Real estate investing allows the investor to collect revenue, usually monthly, throughout the year. Real estate investing also gives the investor tax benefits as well. The cash flow received from rental properties is not subject to self-employment taxes. Government basically rewards individuals for investing in real estate properties, by also offering lower tax rates for long term profits.

Real Estate also offers a sense of protection against inflation from the market. Instead of fearing inflation, real estate investors and owners, in a sense, look forward to it. Property values inflate just like everything else in the market.

What few investors know is that Oil & Gas properties qualify as Like Kind for real estate investing. The IRS looks at Oil & Gas properties in the same way they look at an investment in real estate because they are both real property.

A type of exchange that many savvy real estate investors know about in the 1031 exchange. In 1954, the IRS passed an Act that allowed investors to defer their capital gains tax, so long as the money gained on the investment was re-invested into real estate.


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What Is An Oil And Gas Lease

In simplest terms, leasing your minerals gives permission to the leasing company to look for, and potentially extract and sell the oil and gas. The lease will have terms and a royalty rate. The lease rate, or royalty rate, is your share of the oil and gas, if and when they are extracted, processed, and sold. Leases can expire, and alternatively, leases from years ago may still be valid. Leases are legal documents, so each one requires a signature.

Valuation Relative To Asset Acquisitions In Recent Years

The following scatterplot compares data on 5 acquisitions and one divestiture of significant packages of minerals and royalties in 2019 and 2020 to the five companies examined in this article on the basis of enterprise value per daily BOE20.

Note: Most of the acquisition comparables provided a break-down of oil, gas and NGLs to calculate an accurate daily BOE20. Black Stone, the sole divestiture, did not provide this additional data and as a result I had to estimate a production mix . I believe this to be reasonable in the sense that if the contribution of natural gas is higher than I estimated it would result in a lower daily BOE20 and thus a higher valuation multiple which would further support the conclusions that I draw from this analysis.

Assuming that the purchase prices these companies have paid for assets are reasonable implies that 5 of the companies in this article are undervalued relative to underlying assets to varying degrees. The recency and size of the Black Stone divestiture and its valuation relative to the EV/daily BOE20 of each company supports this conclusion. The exception, Viper, gaining a significant bump following announcement of a $100 million share buyback program, is the only company trading in line with the valuation implied by Black Stone’s July divestiture.

The acquisition data used in the scatterplot follows:

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How To Invest In Royalty Income

Investing in royalty income can provide long-term returns to investors seeking to fund retirement or diversify a portfolio beyond stocks and fixed-income securities. Owning rights to royalties provides a steady income that tends to be insulated from fluctuations in the equity and bond markets. Investors can acquire rights to royalty income by purchasing shares of royalty trusts or bidding on royalty auction exchanges. If youre thinking about investing in royalty income, you may want to speak with a financial advisor first. SmartAssets free tool can match you with advisors that serve your area.

Royalty Trusts: 10 Little

MRP 26: Investing in Mineral Rights and Royalties

Royalty trusts can be great holdings for investors who want income that rises in sync with commodity prices.

Royalty trusts can be great holdings for investors who want income that rises in sync with commodity prices. These trusts hold interests in oil, gas or mineral production and collect more income when energy prices rise, resulting in bigger distributions and high yields for their investors.

So far in 2018, royalty trust investors have benefited from a 12% improvement in sale prices for benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude oil, which was recently trading at $67 a barrel. Prices are now up nearly 150% from their low of about $27 per barrel two years ago.

Royalty trusts typically offer high yields, frequently better than 7%. And many of these trusts have increased their distributions multiple times this year thanks to higher energy prices.

The principal drawback: Distributions decline over time because the trusts energy reserves deplete royalty income from oil and gas sales gradually drops to zero. Royalty trusts are required to disclose and annually update estimates of their remaining reserve life though conservative estimates mean many trusts live on well past their expected termination date.

Still, royalty trusts high-income potential should earn them a spot in most portfolios. These 10 royalty trusts in particular offer high yields that fly far under Wall Streets radar.

  • Distribution yield: 6.1%
  • Distribution yield: 8.8%

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Canadian Oil Royalty Trio

Each of the three Canadian oil and gas royalty firms pursues a somewhat unique strategy, which leads to the differences as seen in their royalty assets, financial performance, and valuation .

Table 1. A comparison of Topaz Energy, PrairieSky Royalty, and Freehold Royalties


Since its spin-off in 2014 from then-Encana , PrairieSky had acquired Range Royalty in the same year and some 81% of the royalty assets of Canadian Natural Resources in the next year. It acquired a 5% gross overriding royalty on > 76,000 acres of Clearwater lands in the core Marten Hills area for C$155.0 million in .

As the largest of the trio, PrairieSky owns 18.4 million acres of royalty properties in Canada, and produced ~25,000 boe/d as of 3Q2022. Its current production consists primarily of oil .


Freehold is the oldest among the three, its history dates back to 1996.

Over the last couple of years, Freehold tried to expand to the U.S., where it spent over C$500 million, increasing its royalty acreage there to 0.9 million acres and royalty production to 35% of the total. Freehold produced ~13,450 boe/d as of 2Q2022, with 62% in oil.

It targets a dividend payout ratio of 60-80%.


Topaz was spun off Tourmaline Oil Corp. – the largest natural gas producer in Canada – in November 2019. Tourmaline still holds 36.7% of it and will continue to drop down royalty interests to Topaz.

Below Is A List Of Five Basic Investment Vehicles:

1. Stocks in Oil Companies

2. Working Interest Partner in a Drilling Program

3. Existing working interest in a lease.

4. Stock in royalty trusts

5. Oil and gas royalties direct from mineral owners.

First The easy, retail investment in petroleum is stocks. Simply call your broker and invest in shares of ExxonMobile, BP, XTO, or any other oil company. They often have low dividend yields of 3-6%, and a nominal growth rate. However, highlighted by the Exxon and BP oil spill, these oil stocks have a disaster risk, and a even greater political risk when congress lets loose its ire. The pro is that you dont have to actively do anything, just buy the stock. The expectation by wall street is a 8% return over time.

Second Investing as a working interest partner in a group of oil wells has great risk. You can lose your entire investment or make a killing and you dont know which it will be when you invest. Highly volatile in its rewards, this investment can not be considered an investment but a gamble until you have enough money to invest in several drilling programs. At which time, the science of statistics will lower your variance but you will still be at risk of lawsuits, and cost overruns which youll be obliged to pay. The pro is that millions to billions of dollars can be invested in this market with an expectation of 8 12% return. This is the typical investment of choice for billion dollar companies.

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Buying Minerals Occurs In Clear Phases:

Phase 1 Find potential royalty owner sellers

Phase 2 Solicit sellers with an offer to purchase their royalty

Phase 3 Receive incoming calls from sellers with questions.

Phase 4 Quickly perform due diligence on sellers who think they wish to sell

Phase 5 Send out mineral deeds and paperwork to owners who think they want to sell their royalties. Follow up on these people immediately.

Phase 6 After receiving deeds and paying the royalty seller, file the deed with the correct county courthouse.

On to the details

Finding potential royalty sellers. Sounds simple. It is. However, doing so is not. In fact, the biggest problem in royalty buying is locating mineral owners who wish to sell their royalties to you. This is the brick wall many run up against. There are a couple of places to find leads on this:

a. Division Orders If you own royalties already, you may have received a Division Order.Division orders are documents which show who is getting what share of the royalty money. Some companies will only send you a document with your share, others will haphazardly ship you a division order with all the owners. If you got lucky and have one of these, you use those names and addresses as leads. If you dont, you go to the second option.

Benefits Of Owning Oil And Gas Royalties

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Royalties are paid first from a wells pre-expensed production revenue. Royalty owners typically receive 20-25% of cash flow after production taxes have been paid.


Royalty owners enjoy a depletion allowance which waives income taxes on the first 15% of royalty income on an annual basis.


The availability of energy has continued to prove vital. For investors, there is still long-term potential to enjoy greater upside as pricing reflects our need for oil & gas. While pricing will continue to fluctuate, many experts agree that todays commodities pricing represents an attractive opportunity to enter or expand ones position in the energy industry.


As like-kind property, oil and gas royalties are eligible for IRC-1031 Exchanges, which provides capital gains tax relief for real estate and energy investors.

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Years In The Industry Makes A Difference Investing In Or Selling Investments

At Pheasant Energy, we are proud to say that our family has been in the oil and gas industry for 75 years. Weve experienced the ups and downs of the oil and gas industries since the end of World War II.

As a family-owned and family-run business, we understand how meaningful long-term relationships are and how rarely they happen.

Our clients have been with us for a long time, through thick and thin, and theyre still with us. Thats how weve stayed in business generation after generation. Its called trust, and we know how important and how valuable that trust is to our company and our investors.

Should You Invest In Oil And Gas Royalties

Crude oil prices have fluctuated more than market could ever hope or want to in the past 24 months. Crude oil prices rose 77.94% across 2009. As amazing as that seems, gasoline futures rose 93.27%. Diesel fuels was up 49.16% for 2009 and the heating oil rose 46.92%. With great gains like this, high net worth baby boom investors are taking a serious look at a special class of income producing investments, oil, gas, coal and share royalties.

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How Oil & Gas Royalties Work

The purchase of oil and gas rights is very similar to a real estate investment. An oil company leases a plot of land from a surface owner . The investor then purchases, on a per-acre basis, rights to the oil and gas resources below the surface of that land. The rights are then leased to the oil company, which conducts the business of extracting and selling the natural resources. The oil company retains its share of the revenue but also distributes monthly royalty payments to the true owners of those mineral rights The investors.

Like those who invest in property, mineral rights holders may encounter an opportunity to sell their rights for a profit. Upon doing so, the investorwhich, again, can be your self-directed retirement accountwill retain 100% of the profits generated from the sale. As with other investments in a self-directed IRA, any capital gains would be completely tax deferred.

Ngp Energy Capital Management Is Seeking $500 Million For Investments In Oil And Gas Royalties And Mineral Rights

How are natural gas royalties calculated?

Private-equity firms are betting royalties can be a profitable way to invest in a challenging energy industry.

Some private-equity firms are increasingly turning to royalties and mineral rights to deploy capital in a depressed energy industry, preferring to partake in wells operated by others than running the wells themselves.

NGP Energy Capital Management, for one, is raising a fund to buy mineral rights after having backed several mineral rights-focused entities from two previous funds that also invested in oil and gas producers. The Dallas firm is seeking as much as $500 million for NGP Royalty Partners LP, which will focus exclusively on rights deals, according to public documents.

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Risks Associated With Owning Mineral Rights

Most mineral owners acquired their minerals by inheritance rather than purchasing. But just because you didnt pay for minerals doesnt mean they are without risk. In fact, oil and gas are some of the riskiest investments available, and mineral ownership is no exception. Lets explore some of the pitfalls for mineral owners.

Oil, gas, and other minerals are finite resources. The delight that accompanies the first few royalty checks is often followed by immense disappointment as royalties drop to 1/3 or less than their initial production and eventually stop producing altogether. Conventional wells can produce for decades, but horizontal wells generally have a 10-year lifespan. In some areas, more wells can be drilled, and in other areas, the oil and gas reserves are quickly depleted. Like so many things involving real estate, location is everything when it comes to mineral rights.

Steep Decline Curves

Conventional wells can produce small quantities of oil and gas for decades, while long horizontal wells are more efficient at pulling hydrocarbons from the shale, producing large quantities of oil and gas but only for a short time. Horizontal wells have increasingly steeper decline curves and shorter lives. Some people choose to sell their minerals while the revenue is high enough to warrant a good price. Others prefer to keep their minerals, cashing declining checks throughout the lifespan of the oil or gas well.

Held By Production

Lack of Infrastructure

Low Commodity Prices

Oil & Gas Royalties With A Self

You may be aware that you can invest in the oil and gas industry, but did you know you have options beyond exchange-traded funds that track crude or stocks in specific oil companies? Public equities can provide exposure to the energy industry, but they can also endure volatility from outside catalysts. What if there was a way to invest directly in the development of domestic and tangible energy interests? As it turns out, you can through oil & gas royalties. You can even do so with your self-directed IRA, 401, and Health Savings Account.

Ready to open a self-directed account? to open a new account today!

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