Is It Worth Investing In Art


Don’t Get Painting As It Matches The Couch

Investing in Fine Art | Masterworks Review

Don’t get painting as your neighbors are amassing “titles” such as Picasso or Miro. Do not blindly follow the critics. Time is the only evaluation of artwork. A politician’s preferences can veer in different directions at different periods. Just because experts endorse an artist now does not mean they will prefer him in 10 or 20 years.

What Are The Benefits Of Investing In Art

The main benefits of investing in art are a sense of personal satisfaction and the financial benefit of an artworks appreciation in value over time. Investing in art also lets collectors see and enjoy their investments daily in a way that isnt available to those whose investments are in stocks and bonds. As a financial investment, good art often appreciates independent of traditional economic measures like inflation or securities market indexes.

Even though art investments often appreciate slowly in value, they dont often lose value like their traditional counterparts in the equities markets. Also unlike more traditional investments, theres no art investment equivalent to a companys going out of business. An artists output may be steady or sporadic, but immediately becomes finite upon death or retirement, often leading to dramatic increases in value. Another significant difference between investing in art and traditional investing is the duration of the investment. A stock or bond held for more than a year is considered a long-term investment artwork is more commonly held for decades before being sold. Like traditional investing, the art world has its share of hucksters and scam artists investors in both fields should thoroughly research their purchases, enlisting professional help if necessary, to ensure their legitimacy.

Best Artists To Invest In Now

The art market has gone global thanks to the internet, so art investors who want to make money should look beyond their neighborhood for artists that could make it big. Despite this, emerging artists are still flocking from all over the world to cities like New York and London with hopes of getting recognized by a gallery or making it in shows like Art Basel.

Here are some emerging artists you should know if you’re looking for the best art to buy for an investment.

Xie Lei

The Asian art market has seen explosive growth in terms of investor interest as well as new talent hitting the scene. One such up-and-coming contemporary artist is Xie Lei. Born in China in 1983 and now based in Paris, Lei is this year’s artist in residence at the Boghossian Foundation in Brussels. The photorealistic depth of his work ranges from capturing the beauty of nature to the sterility of a hospital and it’s all accentuated by dark colors, broad strokes, and ambiguous detail that gives it a dreamlike surrealness.

Lei’s merger of the abstract with impressionist styles gives his work broad appeal. Lei’s 2019 ‘I Will Be Your Mirror’ exhibition is a series of canvas oil paintings of owls each currently on sale for 4,500 at the HdM Gallery in Beijing. Lei has also worked with other media such as acrylic, watercolor, and paper. Over his career, Lei has sold several works at Sotheby’s and other international auction houses for prices ranging from $1,000 to over $183,000.

Claudia Bitran

Hunt Slonem


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/ Do Your Research But Trust Your Gut

If you like a piece, look into the artist, advises Arselan. Things that will add value to the work are what the artist has coming up or whether you know of anyone else collecting that artist, because the art world is also about social capital. How strong is the artists network? Has their work been written about in the press? It also matters whether an artist is living or dead. The guys that tend to look after the estates have quite a big monopoly over the art market, but dead artists can also have an immoveable legacy, she says. However, the increments in which the work goes up are a lot higher for living artists. Their markets are a lot more dynamic.

But, what to avoid? What would devalue a work? Check if the work of the artist is being flipped if it goes up in value too quickly. That is a bad sign, because that is not generally sustainable and you can check that though the auction house results or check on Artsy to see the pricing, Arselan continues. Other red flags are if an artist goes to auction too young, because they lose often control of their market.

Artist and photographer Quentin Jones

Fine Art Can Be A Fine Investment

10 Artists Worth Investing In Now

The fine art market continues to boom. It seems that every day, another auction record is set for “the highest price ever paid.” So what does that mean for the painting you bought to match your sofa a few years back? It may increase in worth, or it may be as salable as your kid’s pasta-filled craft project.

So how do you tell? Well, as with any investment, you need to do your research and go beyond your comfort zone. The art market is fickle, and there are no guarantees of profitability, but with a little legwork and forethought, you can fill your home with images that may prove worthy assets down the line. Consider these tips for choosing fine art and identifying the Michelangelo from the macaroni.

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Investing In Warhol: Artwork For Any Budget

Andy Warhols artwork has become increasingly valuable over the years, with major works fetching tens of millions of dollars. It is estimated that Marilyn, 1967, one of his most famous pieces, is worth between $200,000 and $250,000. According to Forbes, Warhols paintings range in price from $10,000 to tens of millions of dollars, with the average selling price since 2013 being around $1 million. As a result, Warhols artwork is a great investment for collectors. The Warhol brand has a wide range of prices for prints, paintings, and silkscreens, which means that it will likely increase in value as time passes.

Fine Art Investing Made Accessible For Everyone

Whether you purchase artwork in its entirety or invest with fractional shares, investing in art can potentially be an attractive long term investment option.

If youre keen to become an art collector and invest in shares of art, check outMasterworks and fill out a membership application today.

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Where To Buy Art

So many options exist nowadays, online and offline.

In fact, with the rise of online sales, galleries, e-commerce, selling platforms , social media and online auctions have become more and more popular for collectors. Many younger collectors even find works directly from artists on Instagram.

The new platform like Masterworks allows for collectors to invest indirectly in works and, theoretically, to be protected by market fluctuations. Democratising art investments, they make it possible for even the no-extremely-rich to put their money into famous artworks. By joining this platform, you join an exclusive community of people who are investing in blue-chip art.

However, even more classic options exist. In-person auctions, galleries or art fairs are all effective ways of getting to know different artists and the market prices for their works. are all valid.

For many it is a question of personal preference, but also the type of art one is interested in influences the choice to buy artwork in person or online. Now with NFTs, a lot of contemporary artists who work with digital mediums and sell their works on various online platforms.

Protecting Your Art Investment

How does art become a good investment?

Whenever you make an art purchase remember the additional costs and considerations that come with collecting art. For example, youll need to store and maintain the artwork properly. Art is a physical investment that must be protected from decay, damage, theft, or fire. Dont forget to factor in the additional costs such as storage as insurance.

Start exploring contemporary artists and get a feel for what you like before making an investment you can enjoy and benefit from for many years to come.

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Understanding Different Types Of Art

Not all art is created equal. Therefore, its essential to understand the different types of art before you venture into becoming an investor or a collector.

While most people think of paintings, art can also include sculpture, photography, drawing, digital and so on.

You can always buy art that you enjoy using to decorate your home or office. Some pieces may appreciate and be worth more one day while others hold value only to you.

If youre looking to buy art as an investor, its important to consider the artists and the work they produce.

Consider searching for works by artists who create unique pieces and have achieved a certain amount of fame.

Here are a few different types of artwork you may encounter:

Sign Up For Newsletters

One key to investing in art is learning as much as possible about the artists and types of art that interests you.

Sign up for newsletters from artists and galleries to determine what interests you and to stay on top of whats in-demand.

The more you know, the easier it will be to evaluate opportunities to invest and jump on the right piece at the right price.

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Should I Invest In Art

If you’ve found yourself reading this article, the first question on your mind may be whether or not art is a good investment opportunity for you? It’s a question that has been asked for centuries, and one that continues to be debated today. Some people believe that art is a wise investment, while others view it as a risky gamble. So, what’s the truth? Is investing in art a sound idea, or is it a fool’s errand?

When deciding whether or not to invest in art there are many factors to consider but the first is that the art market doesn’t rise or fall with the stock market. This is good news for those who are risk-averse, as it means that your investment is not subject to the same fluctuations as other markets, making it a welcome addition to your portfolio. Additionally, art has been shown to retain its value over time, and increase in value as it becomes rarer and sought after.

What can have the biggest impact on whether an artwork is worth investing in and whether its value appreciates over time, is the attention the artist gets from museums, academia and the general public. An artist who is shown in major museums, has their work included in prestigious collections or wins critical acclaim, will likely see their prices increase. A good example of this is the renewed interest in Van Gogh since films like ‘Loving Vincent’ and special VR experiences were created around his work, its certainly a good time to own a Van Gogh.

Need An Option Without Storing Art

8 Young Artists Worth Investing In, According to Uprise Art

There are ways to invest in art without ever touching it, such as with Masterworks. They do a lot of the hard work for you so it is an easier option for the novice, or those who want less of the inevitable hassle.

Along with other investors, you can purchase shares in very high-value artworks that have already been authenticated by experts. The company buys the artwork and sells shares of it to the investor.

There are other companies that do this too, so it is worth looking around to find one that suits your needs, art preferences, and budget.

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The Influence Of Contemporary Art On Abstract Art

Abstract art has established itself as one of the most valuable methods of painting in part due to its connection with contemporary art. This is why it remains a highly sought-after form of expression even today. Contemporary artwork regularly utilizes unique techniques and abstract designs that can be difficult to assess in terms of value.

Abstract art has seen a surge in value due to the use of expressionism in contemporary art. Expressionism allows for self-expression and creativity, as it is more accessible to wider audiences because of increased public art events. As abstract artwork continues to become more sought after by buyers, this drives up demand and consequently results in a higher price tag.

Check Out Local Or Emerging Artists

Local and emerging artists can be a great option for art investors on a budget. This is where doing your homework can pay off. If there is an artist whose work you enjoy, do some research to find out what critics are saying about it.

Find out how much past pieces have sold for and if there is a market for the work.

Keep in mind that it needs to be an original and a medium that is commonly bought and sold as a collectible such as paintings, drawings, , sculptures, etc.

If the artist has any upcoming gallery shows, attend one and talk to the gallery owner and other attendees to get a feel for the interest level.

This way, you can make an informed decision if you buy any of the artwork as a potential investment.

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Is Nft Art A Good Investment

Non-fungible tokens are unique digital artworks whose ownership rights are stored in the blockchain, and can almost exclusively only be bought with cryptocurrency.

In principle, these original artworks are equivalent to an original Da Vinci or Monet, hence why many investors have been buying NFTs for sometimes millions of dollars.

The issue facing NFT art buyers and sellers is that, unlike an original Da Vinci or Monet, digital artworks are extremely easy to save for free thereby avoiding paying anything for supposed artworks that others are paying lots of money for.

The largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea, recently reported that up to 80% of free artworks created on the platform were plagiarised or stolen from other creators and there are no shortage of extremely costly hacks and scams affecting buyers.

NFTs are an extremely risky investment as they currently stand. If you decide to invest your money into NFT art, it is possible someone else may buy it from you in the future however it is very likely others may save or store your artwork for free, meaning achieving a fair price for your investment will become challenging.

Make sure you speak to a financial adviser before buying or selling NFTs and get clued up about protecting passwords, recognising phishing scams and other digital threats before making any investment.

Art In 2021 Is More Secure Than Ever

Investing in Art

If you decide to invest in digital art over physical art, then you can be certain of its security. Digital art NFTs run on a decentralized blockchain network. This means that they function much like cryptocurrency.

The data that makes up your artwork is stored on nodes hosted across the world. These nodes contain an identical record of your arts dataset. This means that no matter what happens, there will always be a record of your NFTs data and its ownership.

Whether a network goes down or a file becomes corrupt, blockchain ensures your digital artwork is secure.

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What Youll Want To Look For When Buying Art

There are so many artists out there that it can easily become daunting. Plus, how do you know who is good and who is probably not worth your time and money?

Instead of using the internet for answers, your best bet will be speaking to an expert who can determine whether the artwork you have chosen is worth it.

Speaking to a professional will also ensure that youre buying art for a fair price, so hopefully you will get your moneys worth and turn a good profit.

Before you can do that though, you will need to find some artwork that interests you. An original or a one-off will be the most expensive artwork you may come across. Because of this, it also means these will have the biggest profit. As much as these are worth investing in, you will need a large investment to start with, though it will all pay off in the end if the artist does not devalue.

Prints are much more affordable than a one-off, but will not turn a profit the same way. The key to finding a good investment print is to look for a limited run which will make it much rarer.

A limited edition will always be worth more than a mass reproduction print.

Speaking of mass reproductions, these may not be worth investing in. While they are affordable, they often do not end up turning much of a profit.

Final Thoughts Is It Worth It?

It can be risky, but what investment isnt?

What Is My Warhol Worth

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The value of a Warhol piece is determined by a variety of factors, including its rarity, condition, and provenance. The artwork may be worth a few hundred dollars or several million dollars, depending on these elements. As with any artwork, the worth of a Warhol piece is subjective, and it will depend on what a willing buyer is willing to pay for it. This means that the value of a Warhol piece can fluctuate over time, as the art market changes and new buyers enter the market. If you are looking to sell a Warhol piece, it is best to consult a reputable art dealer or appraiser who can provide you with an accurate assessment of its worth.

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